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.Thursday, September 4, 2008 ' 10:02 AM Y

We had our breakfast at the hotel's restaurant as usual. After breakfast, we went back to our hotel rooms to do the blogging. Once we were done with the blogging, we went to a place called 'DAKSHINACHITRA' for an 'IRACE'. 'IRACE' is something like amazing race only that it's simpler. We spent 1 hour on the game. In the end, we came in second place! I'm really happy! After that, we went for lunch. After eating lunch, we went shopping! I did not manage to buy anything as all the things in the mall were branded. I managed to buy something for my uncle. I hope I would be able to buy souvenirs for my family!

. ' 10:00 AM Y

The first activity we did when we got to the school was planting trees ands plants. Pupils from Gateway and APS gathered and started planting trees. After planting for about half an hour, we were told to go into the school. Inside the school, we were introduced to our buddies and family. my buddy’s name s Alexia. We took the school bus to my buddy’s house. The trip there was a bumpy ride. After entering the house, my buddy, ryan ang and I started playing board games. We played hangman and wotblox. It was really fun! After that we went to Marrybrown for lunch. After we ate, we returned to the house, but shortly, we were out again. Alexia’s mum brought us to the movies. The movie was ‘ WALL E”. After the movie , we went back home to watch TV and play games. At 6 o’clock, we went out to eat dinner. We went to KFC for dinner. After diner we returned to school. Sadly, when we reached the school, we had to say goodbye. I relly did not want to say goodbye as I was enjoying myself. I really enjoyed being with my buddy and hope that I would still keep touch wih her. Bye Alexia!

.Tuesday, September 2, 2008 ' 5:38 AM Y

When we went to the CIP school, we were welcomed by the students. The students sang songs for us also.
When the CIP school is compared to Gateway, there is a great difference. The facilities in the CIP school is not as good as the ones in Gateway and APS. The CIP school has no chairs, tables or fans, but in Singapore, we have all of these. We have set up a library for the CIP school. There are encyclopedias, science books and others. I really enjoyed helping set up the library. I feel that the pupils are very friendly as whenever you walk past them, they would want to shake your hands.
The CIP school visit made me a better person by showing me that we children in Singapore are much more fortunate than the children in the CIP school. We children get to eat at least three meals per day, but the children in the CIP school only has one meal per day and their food is not as nice as ours. Whenever I am about to throw away food, I will always think of the children in the CIP school.

. ' 5:35 AM Y

There are computer rooms, classrooms, fields, playgrounds and many more.
APS compared to Gateway is much bigger. The facilities in APS are also better than theirs.
The teachers at Gateway do not use the computer for everything but in APS, almost every teacher uses the computer for teaching.
I start to appreciate my homeland now as the things in Singapore and APS are much better than the things in India.

.Thursday, August 7, 2008 ' 12:44 AM Y

the places of interest in singapore are sentosa and many more (sorry.. cant think of any places of interest now... hehe). u can swim at sentosa, have a picnic there, build sand castles and much more things there. it is a very fun place to go to. i've only ben there once when i was very young, so cant remember what it was like down there. i really wish to go there again with my family and frenz. it would be so fun... :) well i guess that's all i'm gonna say for now, so... Bye-bye...:) (will upload blog later... (:)

.Wednesday, August 6, 2008 ' 11:13 PM Y

well the races in Singapore are the chinese, malays, indians and eurasians. as u know, i am a mix of chinese and indian. even though we are all from different races, we still live together in peace and harmony. the festivals in singapore are chinese new year, mooncake festival, deepavali, Hari Raya Haji, Christmas and much more. I love Christmas as i get to receive many presents from my frenz and relatives.(so happy!!!:) so wat's your favourite festival???

.Friday, August 1, 2008 ' 9:37 PM Y

well, the food in Singapore is quite good. a few of my favourite dishes are... roasted duck rice, fried chicen rice, roti prata, fish and chips and... NO MORE!:)(just kiddng. still have but can't think of it now...) well i dun really know how i came to like this type of food... must be when i was a small girl then my parents ask me to try. well the food i eat in school... laksa, prawn noodle and rice with steamed egg(yummy...:p) well i think that's all i can think about now.. so bye-bye!!! (well write more next time...!!!):)


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